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Charlotte Evans
The Deal Detective
Charlotte Evans, our frugal fanatic, has spent the last 12 years mastering the art of saving. From clipping coupons to leveraging end-of-season sales, Charlotte makes every dollar count. Her passion for frugality was ignited by her thrifty grandmother. Outside of work, Charlotte loves gardening and exploring Chicago with her rescue dog, Bingo.

Teleflora Coupons & Deals February 2025

13 active Teleflora coupons & promo codes!

More Teleflora coupon codes

It can sometimes take several tries to find a working code. We recommend trying these Teleflora coupon codes to maximise your chances to save.

Expired Coupons

Teleflora Coupon History

NoHighPrice added the code EMBCP022125A15D as a new coupon at Teleflora.
NoHighPrice added the code EMGWAR117 as a new coupon at Teleflora.
NoHighPrice added the code EMASCA20A as a new coupon at Teleflora.
NoHighPrice added the code EMBCP021925A20P as a new coupon at Teleflora.
NoHighPrice added the code FEBRUARY10 as a new coupon at Teleflora.
NoHighPrice added the code FEBRUARY20 as a new coupon at Teleflora.
NoHighPrice added the code EMASCA20A as a new coupon at Teleflora.
NoHighPrice added the code EMBCP021725A10D as a new coupon at Teleflora.
NoHighPrice added the code EMBCP021225A15P as a new coupon at Teleflora.
NoHighPrice added the code EMGWAT116 as a new coupon at Teleflora.

About Teleflora

Introduction to is a premier online floral retailer, connecting customers with local florists to deliver beautiful flower arrangements for various occasions. Founded over 75 years ago, Teleflora has built a reputation for providing high-quality, hand-crafted floral designs that convey heartfelt messages. With a vast selection of flowers, plants, and gifts, Teleflora ensures that every floral order is a memorable experience.

History and Evolution

Teleflora was established with the vision of making it easy for customers to send flowers and express their emotions through beautiful arrangements. Over the years, Teleflora has expanded its reach, partnering with thousands of local florists across the United States and internationally. This network allows Teleflora to offer a wide range of floral products and ensure timely delivery of fresh, vibrant flowers.

Product Range and Services

Teleflora offers an extensive selection of floral products and services to cater to various occasions and preferences:

  • Flower Arrangements: Teleflora provides a diverse range of flower arrangements, including bouquets, centerpieces, and custom-designed floral displays. Customers can choose from a variety of flowers, such as roses, lilies, carnations, and more, to create the perfect arrangement for any occasion.
  • Special Occasions: Teleflora specializes in floral arrangements for special occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and holidays. The company offers themed collections and seasonal promotions to help customers find the ideal flowers for their celebrations.
  • Gifts and Accessories: In addition to flowers, Teleflora offers a selection of gifts and accessories, including chocolates, teddy bears, balloons, and gift baskets. These items can be added to floral arrangements to enhance the overall gift.
  • Personalization: Teleflora allows customers to personalize their floral orders with custom messages, wrapping, and delivery options. This ensures that each arrangement is unique and tailored to the recipient's preferences.
  • Expert Guidance: Teleflora provides expert guidance and support to help customers choose the right flowers and arrangements. The company's website features detailed product descriptions, customer reviews, and floral care tips to assist customers in making informed decisions.
  • Convenience: Teleflora prioritizes convenience for its customers, offering same-day delivery, express shipping, and easy online ordering. Customers can browse the catalog, select their desired flowers, and place their orders with just a few clicks.
  • Customer Support: Teleflora is committed to providing exceptional customer support. The company offers live chat, phone support, and email assistance to help customers with their orders and ensure a smooth shopping experience.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee: Teleflora stands behind its products with a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring that customers are happy with their purchases. If there are any issues with the quality of the flowers, the company offers replacements or refunds to maintain customer satisfaction.

Teleflora Frequently Asked Questions

When you reach the PAYMENT page where you enter your Credit Card info - enter the Promo Code in promotion code box, for instance FEBRUARY10 or FEBRUARY20. The discount will be applied to your order.

When you reach the PAYMENT page where you enter your Credit Card info - enter the Promo Code in promotion code box, for instance FEBRUARY10 or FEBRUARY20. The discount will be applied to your order.

Most promotions are not stackable so please remove any promotions you have currently and then try entering your promotion.

At the moment, there are a total of 13 active discount codes that can be used on the Teleflora website.

To redeem your Teleflora promo code, add any items you'd like to purchase to your shopping basket and click on the 'View Basket' or 'Checkout' button. On the checkout page, enter your promo code in the 'Promo Code' box and click 'Apply'.

There are several reasons your discount code may not work:
- It may not be valid for the items you have in your cart.
- It may be valid only for a first-time purchase.
- It may be expired.

The latest discount code from Teleflora was 'EMBCP022125A15D'. This gave customers $15 off.

The best discount code from Teleflora was 'EMBCP021925A20P'. This gave customers 20% off.